Monday, November 8, 2010

Turbo Fire Plans!

Hey you guys! I got Turbo Fire in the mail yesterday! Woot, woot! I have been sort of hitting a fitness plateau and needed something to mix things up a bit. Although I was anticipating getting started on the 5 Day Inferno within the next couple of days, I decided since there are so many DVDs I would take some time to practice some of them before I jumped right in...soooo...I decided to start this Sunday. In the meantime, I am going to try to get to know the program a little bit better and try to recruit some other people to do the program with me.

Here's what I'm thinking as far as what I'm going to do over the next few months...

Sunday, November 14-Thursday, November 18 -- 5 Day Inferno
Friday, November 19-Saturday, November 27 -- OFF (I am going on a cruise, so I may do some working out but wouldn't want to jump into the program)
Sunday, November 28-Saturday, December 4 -- Turbo Fire Advanced Rotation (20 weeks) begins

Now..this is highly unlikely..but if I were to not miss any weeks after that and continue on with the program on the 28 of November..I'd finish up on Sunday, April 17. Upon finishing, I'll already be at my goal weight most likely (unless I'm terrible with food..haha). Then I'm going to go into the TurboFire/ChaLEAN Extreme Hybrid..which is another 20 weeks. MAN, I'm going to have to find an awesome workout partner to motivate me and keep me going..well, probably more like 10. haha. So I'll always have someone to work out with.

I'll post my before pictures and measurements Saturday morning..I'm hoping to lose at least 2 pounds during the 5 Day Inferno period. Unfortunately, I'm going on a cruise so I probably won't be eating that healthy! haha. Maybe this will motivate me TO eat healthy. Who knows, maybe I'll take the workouts with me and start EARLY! never know.

My plan is to use this blog to keep me going. That's why I separated it from my normal SparkPeople blog. I want to write almost every day about my workouts in the beginning..especially during the 5 Day Inferno time period. Let me know if you have a blog as well! If you didn't find me on SparkPeople..find me there (SparkGirl32).

Let's do this!!!

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