Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Turbo Fire Day One

I started Turbo Fire today! I decided to start it early. Lately I have been saying "I'll do this on this date" like I used to do and not following through. SO..the time is NOW. haha. I am going to take my measurements and before pictures when I wake up tomorrow morning. Yesterday I did HIIT 15 just to see what it was about.

Now that I'm thinking about it..I'm probably just going to restart the program tomorrow. I didn't have a remote for my DVD player so I couldn't do stretch 10. What is it going to hurt? I didn't follow the eating plan either. Plus, since I didn't have a remote, I couldn't watch the "new to class" feature and learn the moves..which is important because I am SO uncoordinated. haha.

I decided against doing the 5 Day Inferno right off the bat..I think that I'm going to wait until I get back from my cruise. Instead of waiting for after my cruise to start to program, I am just going to take a break in the middle of the program and follow that for 5 days.

So my whole program (including rest days and the Inferno) will last 145 days.

I burned 384 calories in her FIRE 30 EZ workout (I'm 144 pounds right now and in pretty good shape/have been working out pretty intensely since I've started on Sparks).

Tomorrow, my friends!

1 comment:

  1. I love the HIIT workouts in tubofire. There my favorite.
